While reading Youngbon's essay at Baby Boomer Vegan I could identify with the path her journey is taking. Youngbon said she first became vegetarian for health reasons and along the way something inside her changed. The same thing has happened with me - I've changed. I care more about living creatures, both human and non-human. I care about our planet; my vocabulary has changed (carbon footprint, greenhouse gases, living green, sustainability, eco friendly). This has been my path to veganism.
I have come to realize that being vegan is MORE than eating no animal products. It involves not wearing, buying, using, animal products and products tested on animals. Cruelty Free is the path I have meandered my way onto.
Veganism is life affirming and it connects me to the power that is greater than I am. This in turn helps in my spiritual formation. I've heard and read carnivores who opinioned that vegans think more highly of themselves than they do of others and that vegans make their lifestyle seem better than those who misuse animals. But I wonder if vegans feel more connected spiritually to the universe, to the creator and it comes across as arrogance. I'm sure there are some who try to force others to live by their philosophies, belief system, and spiritual truth, but I hope this is the exception and not the rule.

I think veganism "opportunities" if you will, have come along way.
Food, clothing, shoes!
I just found a darling pair of shoes @ a http://www.neuaurashoes.com
Thankfully, being vegan doesn't mean ugly, geeky shoes anymore!
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