I bought a VitaMix blender and I'm using it! When I first heard of this blender several years ago I must admit that I thought it was overpriced. I didn't think I really needed such a powerful blender. Truth is I didn't need it then, but I do now. I purchased a centrifugal juicer and it's okay. I find that it's wasteful - leaving all the pulp behind - and it's so time consuming to clean.
I have enjoyed fruit smoothies for the past week. They are delicious and allow me to get my fruit servings in for the day. After a week I can feel the difference in my energy level and my digestive system. I've now had my first green smoothie and it was soooo good. I will now be able to get my veggies in with no problem.
Although I've been vegetarian (vegan more so than not) for nearly 3 years, I must confess that I don't like vegetables. It goes deeper than not liking them, I can't eat them without gagging. Never could even as a kid. My mother tried her best, but I wasn't having it. It's a wonder that my body has held up this long. No doubt that my poor diet has contributed to my current health woes and has more than likely exacerbated the autoimmune diseases that I have.
My vegetarian lifestyle has reversed high cholesterol and pre-hypertension. I can hardly contain myself when I think of the healthy, life-giving, healing nutrients in live, whole foods.
This blender is the best thing I've bought in the past 5 years. I'm not exaggerating.

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